Thursday, December 4, 2008

ok I am weighing in for everyone

ok everyone

liz you are the only one i haven't talked to. general consensus is 11 am start time saturday, will that work? if it needs to be pushed later i need to push it to dinner time like 5 or 6, not midafternoon.

hoping to leave by 3 saturday, others of course welcome to stay. thinking table building shoot+meeting+calendar making+takeout lunch on the table. i have already established the deli next door as well apportioned by bodega standards.

saturday am i am going to:
stop by studio and get circular saw

bring possibly oversize plastic dish i have been irrationally holding onto thinking it has some potluck use

bring DV tapes

and my computer
so we can also possibly make some headway on remaining still selection?

liz, let us all know about time. you had an opening tonight huh?

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