Please join us for our concluding LMCC Swing Space Sendoff Potluck video shoot! Come participate in a working laboratory for video collaboration, bring and share your favorite food or beverage, and the culmination of our LMCC Swing Space residency. We have been very grateful to have this opportunity to host these events and share this project. Thank you so much to those of you who have already generously sipped, snacked, and engaged in our previous brunches and happy hour. We hope you will be able to participate again! Please feel free to contact us with questions.
SP Potluck Project
LMCC Swing Space
125 Maiden Lane, 2nd Floor
Friday, January 23rd, 6-9 pm
Sendoff Potluck Filming & Screening
Please Bring Yourself and a Favorite Dish or Beverage to Share
Please Bring Yourself and a Favorite Dish or Beverage to Share
*SP Potluck Project is a working laboratory for video collaboration between Natalie Campbell, Carissa Carman, Heidi Neilson, and Liz Zanis, who first met through their affiliation with Women's Studio Workshop, an artist's studio center in Rosendale, NY. The work produced by the first phase of this collaboration will be exhibited as part of "IDEA LAB: Women's Studio Workshop at the Islip Art Museum," Islip, NY in 2009.
SP Potluck Project is made possible by Lower Manhattan Cultural Council's 'Swing Space' program, which was created with lead support from the September 11th fund.